Record low grouse felling
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
srjakt, Small game and roe deer hunting, animal felled, grouse shooting, grouse hunters, roe deer hunting, small game (for example pigeon, hare, duck)Hunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Small game and roe deer hunting2008/2009



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Record low grouse felling

In total, 225 000 grouse were felled in the hunting year 2008/2009. This is a decrease of 30 per cent from the previous hunting year, and the registered number of felled grouse has never been lower. The yield decreased in nearly all counties.

Yield of grouse hunting. 1971/72 - 2008/09.

Yield of capercaillie and black grouse. 1971/72 - 2008/09.

Willow grouse and ptarmigan are the most important small game species in Norway. In the hunting year 2008/2009 the number of felled grouse decreased in all counties except Sør-Trøndelag, where there was a small increase. Compared with the previous hunting year the yield declined by 63 per cent in Finnmark. Totally 29 000 grouses were felled in this county. The yield decreased 30 per cent in the counties of Oppland and Troms and with 35 per cent in Nordland. Most grouse were felled in Sør-Trøndelag, where the yield totalled 32 000.

Decreased yield of woodland birds

11 800 capercaillies and 27 400 black grouses were felled during the hunting year 2008/09. This is 26 and 20 per cent less than in the previous hunting year, respectively.

Number of felled roe deer. 1971/72 - 2008/09.

Yield of mountain hare and red fox. 1971/72 - 2008/09.

More roe deer felled

A total of 30 600 roe deer were felled in the hunting year 2008/2009. This is an increase of 3 per cent from the previous hunting year. Most roe deer were felled in Østfold county, where a total of 3 400 animals were felled.

Other small game

A total of 23 300 mountain hares, 20 100 red foxes, 16 700 mallards and 12 900 greylag geese were felled during the hunting year 2008/2009.
