Less wolverines and lynx killed
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
rovdyravg, Registered mortality of large carnivores, wolf, bear, wolverine, lynx, killed by car, killed by train, felled as nuisance, felled illegally, quota hunting, felled under licence, self defence, white-tailed eagle, goshawk, golden eagleHunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Registered mortality of large carnivores2002/2003



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Less wolverines and lynx killed

Less wolverines and lynx were killed in the hunting year 2002/03 than in the year before. Totally, 38 wolverines and 71 lynx were reported killed or had died of other causes, as compared with 48 and 102 the previous hunting year.

Roe deer, moose and  red deer  killed by car or train. 1990/91-2002/03


Most of the wolverines were shot during licensed hunting. A total of 28 wolverines were felled, against 23 the previous hunting year. Totally 21 of this wolverines were felled in Nordland, Troms and Finnmark. A total of 42 licenses for felling wolverines were issued, as compared with 50 licenses the year before. In addition to licence hunt, 5 wolverines were felled as noxious, four died of other causes and one was felled illegally.


A number of 85 licenses for felling of lynx were issued, and altogether 67 were shot. Most lynx were felled in Hedmark county where 17 animals were shot.

Other predators

7 wolves were felled in the hunting year 2002/03. This is five more than in the previous hunting year. One bear was felled illegally in 2002/03.
