Fewer wolverines shot
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
rovdyravg, Registered mortality of large carnivores, wolf, bear, wolverine, lynx, killed by car, killed by train, felled as nuisance, felled illegally, quota hunting, felled under licence, self defence, white-tailed eagle, goshawk, golden eagleHunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Registered mortality of large carnivores2012/2013



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The text, tables and the figure were corrected at 2.50pm on 4 September 2013.

Fewer wolverines shot

A total of 157 wolverines were reported shot or died of other causes in the 2012/2013 hunting year. This is 45 more than in the previous year and the highest number since the 1870s.

Registered mortality of large carnivores and birds of prey. Absolute number
2012-20132011-2012 - 2012-20132008-2009 - 2012-2013
The table was corrected at 2.50pm on 4 September 2013
White-tailed eagle3644
Golden eagle1284
Figure 1. Registered mortality of large carnivores. 1994/95-2012/13

In total, 183 permits to shoot wolverines under licence were issued, and 59 animals were shot. In addition, 95 wolverines were  shot as nuisance .

Fewer lynx shot

In the winter of 2013, a total of 121 hunting licences for lynx were issued and 73 were shot during the quota hunting . In Norway as a whole, a total of 92 lynx were reported shot or died of other causes.

Fewer bears shot

A total of 13 bears were shot or died of other causes; 3 fewer than in the previous hunting year. Ten were shot as nuisance and 1 died of other causes. In addition, 2 bear out of a quota of 15 was  shot under licence .

Fewer wolves shot

A total of 5 wolves were shot; 2 were shot as nuisance and 3 were shot under licence.