Higher felling rate for wild reindeer
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
reinjakt, Wild reindeer hunting, wild reindeer felled, wild reindeer areas, felling ratio, felling quotaHunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Wild reindeer hunting2002



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Higher felling rate for wild reindeer

Of the total number of wild reindeers permitted to hunt for, a total 58 per were felled the autumn 2002. Of a quota of 11 350 animals, 6 600 were felled. A lower felling has not been seen since 1994.

Number of licences issued and number of wild reindeer felled. 1980-2002.

Municipalities with wild reindeer hunting. 2002

Reduction on Hardangervidda

The felling rate shows how many animals that were shot as a percentage of the number of permits issued. The Hardangervidda plateau is Norway's largest wild reindeer area. In this area the number of hunting licenses was reduced from 11 500 older animals in 2000 to 2 500 older animals in 2002. For Hardangervidda every hunting licence included one calf in addition to the older animal.

Number of wild reindeer felled. 1980-2002

1 417 animals were felled on Hardangervidda in the autumn 2002, which were 727 less than in the previous autumn. The reduction of the number of felled animals has been smaller than the reduction in hunting licenses.

Continued high felling rate in Forelhogna

Among the larger reindeer areas Forelhogna still had the highest felling rate. 694 animals were felled, which were 16 less than in the previous autumn. This year 93 per cent of the quota was felled. The felling percentage has been stable around 90 per cent in recent years. One reason is the many "crossing agreements" made between landowners, who permit hunters to cross over to surrounding hunting fields, making hunting more efficient. This is particularly important when the wind has been blowing in the same direction for a longer period, causing many reindeer to congregate in one hunting area.

Ottadalen, the second largest wild reindeer area

Measured by the number of hunting licenses as well as the number of felled animals, Ottadalen is the second largest wild reindeer area. 1 567 licenses were issued, and 1 191 animals were felled. This gives a felling rate of 76.
