Europe most important for Norwegian-controlled enterprises
External economy;Establishments, enterprises and accounts
ufats, Norwegian subsidiaries abroad, industry breakdown (e.g. manufacturing, building and construction, transport...), turnover, employment, breakdown by country.Establishments and enterprises , Foreign assets and liabilities , Establishments, enterprises and accounts, External economy
The statistics shows Norwegian businesses abroad. Norwegian-controlled enterprises controlled 4 100 enterprises abroad at the end of 2012.

Norwegian subsidiaries abroad2012



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Europe most important for Norwegian-controlled enterprises

Norwegian-controlled enterprises controlled 4 100 enterprises abroad at the end of 2012. In total, Europe was the most important continent, while Sweden was the most important country when measuring by employment.

Norwegian-controlled enterprises abroad
EnterprisesTurnover (NOK million)Employed persons
All countries4 1971 125 846280 706
Europe3 061626 713166 769
Africa9478 2076 301
Asia521135 62355 698
North and Central America341216 01129 931
South America12352 71118 917
Oceania5716 5803 090

The Norwegian-controlled enterprises employed 280 000 persons and had a total turnover of NOK 1 100 billion.

Europe’s share of turnover and employment was 59 and 56 per cent respectively. That makes Europe the most important continent for Norwegian-controlled enterprises. Depending on whether we measure by turnover or employment, North and Central America and Asia are the next most important continents (figure 1).

Most employment in Sweden

Sweden was the most important country when measuring by employment, where 900 Norwegian enterprises employed more than 49 000 persons. The USA was next, with 19 000 employees, followed by Great Britain and Denmark with 16 000 employees each. The USA was the most important country when measuring by turnover, with NOK 180 billion. Sweden and Denmark were next, with NOK 168 billion and NOK 139 billion respectively.

Manufacturing was the most important industry

Figure 2 shows that manufacturing was the most important industry, employing 109 000 persons and with a turnover of NOK 442 billion. The share of employment in manufacturing varies by continent, from 69 per cent in South America to 30 per cent in Africa (figure 3).