At national level, there were relatively large changes compared to the election in 2019. In the municipal council election, the Conservative Party won with 5.8 percentage points, the FRP won with 3.1 percentage points. The Center Party went back 6.2 percentage points and the Labor Party went back 3.2 percentage points. MDG went back 2.6 percentage points. A new party, the Industry and Business Party (INP), received 3 percent of the vote.

The changes we observe in the official election results from one election to another are the net changes. That is, the sum of the changes between the support for the parties among those who either voted in both elections or only voted in one of them. By looking at the net changes, we do not get complete information about how voters migrate between parties and how those who vote in only one of the elections are distributed among the various parties. In the election surveys, we use panel data, where we interview the same respondents at two elections. Hence, we can study the gross changes (the individual voter movements) between two elections. The analyzes of the individual voter movements between the parties in this report show that the voter movements are at a historically high level.