Increased repair and service costs
Transport and tourism
kilt, Cost index for road goods transport, lorry types, fuel costs, tyre costs, insurance costs, ferry costs, road tollsLand transport , Transport and tourism

Cost index for road goods transportQ1 2004



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Increased repair and service costs

The sub-index for repair and service costs increased by 1.1 per cent from February to March. Over the last 12 months this sub-index has increased by 1.6 per cent.

The total cost index for road goods transport however remained unchanged from February 2004 to March 2004. Over the last 12 months the total cost index has decreased by 0.9 per cent.

cost index for road goods transport, by vehicle group. March 2003-march 2004

Lower capital costs

The index for capital costs decreased by 0.9 per cent for the last month mainly due to the decrease in real interest rates. In the last 12 months this index, which is composed by depreciation and amortization, interest costs and annual fee, has decreased by 6.7 per cent.

Increased tyre prices

The tyre index has increased by 0.6 per cent from February to March due to price changes with some suppliers. Over the last 12 months this sub-index has increased by 3.7 per cent.

Higher diesel prices

The fuel index has increased by 0.5 per cent for the last month. The sub-index was 101.8 (1998=100) in March 2004 compared to 118.1 in March 2003, a decline of 13.8 per cent.

The fuel index is based on actual diesel prices collected from a representative selection of dealers across the country on the 15th of each month.

The other sub-indices show little or no change over the last month.
