One in three enterprises pay for advertising on the Internet
Technology and innovation;Establishments, enterprises and accounts
iktbrukn, ICT usage in enterprises, information and communication technology, enterprises, electronic communication, Internet use, websites, ICT use by industry, online shopping, security solutionsEstablishments and enterprises , Information and communication technology - ICT, Establishments, enterprises and accounts, Technology and innovation
Thirty-six per cent of enterprises with at least ten employees pay for advertising on the Internet. The use of social networks is increasing. Forty-four per cent of enterprises have broadband connections with a downloading speed of at least 30 Mbit/s.

ICT usage in enterprises2016



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One in three enterprises pay for advertising on the Internet

Thirty-six per cent of enterprises with at least ten employees pay for advertising on the Internet. The use of social networks is increasing. Forty-four per cent of enterprises have broadband connections with a downloading speed of at least 30 Mbit/s.

ICT usage in enterprises1
1Enterprises with at least 10 employees.
Percentage of enterprises with ICT usage per January
All kinds of broadband connections92939493
Fixed broadband connections89858887
Maximum contracted download speed higher than 30 Mbit/s25343744
Has home page79798080
Percentage of enterprises with ICT usage per year
Carried out E-Commerce58556657
Figure 1. E-Commerce. Turnover from EDI sales and web sales. Enterprises with at least 10 employees

In the survey, enterprises were asked to specify the type of advertising they pay for on the Internet. Most of them are paying for advertising that is based on web page content or keywords searched by users. Twenty-six per cent of the enterprises pay for advertising that is based on these methods. Nine per cent pay for advertising that is based on tracking Internet users’ past activities or profile, and 15 per cent pay for advertising that is based on the geographical location of Internet users.

Increase in use of social networks

In 2016, 67 per cent of the enterprises use social networks such as Facebook or LinkedIn. This is an increase of 8 percentage points from 2015, and 16 percentage points from 2014. Use of multimedia content-sharing websites has increased by 2 percentage points from 2015, while the use of blog and wiki-based knowledge-sharing tools has decreased by 1 percentage point.

Four in ten buy cloud computing services

Forty per cent of the enterprises buy cloud computing services. This is an increase of 2 percentage point from 2015, and 11 percentage points from 2014. Most of the enterprises that purchase such services are using the cloud for storing files and e-mail.

The largest increase was found in enterprises that buy finance or accounting software applications as a cloud computing service. Of the enterprises that buy cloud computing services, the share that buy finance or accounting applications as a cloud computing service has increased by 10 percentage points from 2015.

Electronic commerce

In 2015, turnover from e-commerce sales was estimated at NOK 723 billion; 24 per cent of the total turnover in the industries in the survey. Fifty-four per cent of the turnover from e-commerce sales was from EDI sales, while the rest was from web sales.