Six in ten enterprises use social networks
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ICT usage in enterprises2015



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Six in ten enterprises use social networks

The use of social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn is increasing. Thirty-seven per cent of enterprises have broadband connections with a downloading speed of at least 30 Mbit/s.

ICT usage in enterprises1
1Enterprises with at least 10 employees.
Percentage of enterprises with ICT usage per January
All kinds of broadband connections89929394
Fixed broadband connections86898588
Maximum contracted download speed higher than 30 Mbit/s22253437
Has home page79797980
Percentage of enterprises with ICT usage per year
Carried out E-Commerce62585566
Figure 1. E-Commerce. Turnover from EDI sales and web sales. Enterprises with at least 10 employees

There is a seven per cent increase in the use of social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn from 2014, to 59 per cent in 2015. Compared to 2013, the increase is 14 percentage points.

One in two enterprises use social media to develop the enterprise image or market products. The increase from 2013 is 20 percentage points. One in three use social media to recruit employees; an increase from one in four two years ago.

High growth in EDI sales

In 2014, turnover from e-commerce sales was estimated at NOK 568 billion; 20 per cent of the total turnover in the industries in the survey. Fifty-eight per cent of the turnover from e-commerce sales was from EDI sales, while the rest was from web sales. Almost 40 per cent of the turnover from web sales was from private consumers, which was a 16 per cent rise from 2013 to 2014. Web sales to other enterprises and public authorities were reduced by 9 per cent in the same period. Twenty-five per cent of all enterprises sold goods and services via a website in 2014, and 8 per cent sold via EDI.

Increase in use of mobile broadband has stopped

In 2015, 94 per cent of the enterprises had a broadband connection. Use of mobile broadband in the enterprises is 75 per cent; the same as in 2014. Enterprises with mobile broadband as the only Internet connection is 7 per cent; almost the same as in 2014. Eighty-eight per cent of all the enterprises had a fixed broadband connection in 2015.