Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Analysing the series for quarterly sector accounts (QSA): income, expenditure and savings for households and the NPISH sector Documents 2009/7 National accounts and business cycles
Analysis of demand decline and their ripple effects as a result of Covid19 and measures to reduce the spread of infection Reports 2020/14 National accounts and business cycles, Health
Analysis on holiday house area Reports 2017/34 Nature and the environment
Another record high for salmon Articles Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Another year of high electricity prices for households Articles Energy and manufacturing, Prices and price indices
Appraisal of the birth and death registration project in Bangladesh Documents 2001/13 Population
Approaching 5.3 million Articles Population
April record in guest nights Articles Transport and tourism, Svalbard
Are carbon prices redundant in the 2030 EU climate and energy policy package? Discussion Papers no. 940 National accounts and business cycles
Are closely-held firms tax shelters? Discussion Papers no. 764 National accounts and business cycles
Are tax exemptions for electric cars an efficient climate policy measure? Discussion Papers no. 743 National accounts and business cycles
Are young immigrants a marginalised group? Articles Education, Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
As different as two drops of water? Articles Population
As many girls as boys go to school in Malawi Articles Population
Assessed corporate taxes rose Articles Establishments, enterprises and accounts