Lower growth in prices of legal activities
Prices and price indices;Establishments, enterprises and accounts
tpinaering, Producer price indices for services, price development, service price index, legal services, accounting and auditing, business advisory services, architectural services, car rental, labour supply services, cleaning services, SPPI, service producer price indexProducer and wholesale price indices, Establishments and enterprises , Prices and price indices, Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Producer price indices for servicesQ4 2009



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Lower growth in prices of legal activities

The prices of legal activities increased by 3.0 per cent from the 4t h quarter of 2008 to the 4t h quarter of 2009. This is the lowest yearly increase registered since 2005, when Statistics Norway began collecting prices for this industry.

From the 3r d quarter to the 4t h quarter of 2009, the prices for legal activities rose by 0.3 per cent.

Continuous growth in the prices of accounting and auditing activities

The prices for accounting and auditing activities rose by 3.8 per cent from the 4t h quarter of 2008 to the 4t h quarter of 2009. Compared with the previous quarter, they increased by 1.3 per cent, with auditing activities increasing the most.

Business activities, price indices. 2006=100

Business activities, price indices. 2006=100

Higher growth in the prices for business consulting

After a period of low growth in the prices for business consulting, they rose by 2.4 per cent from the 4t h quarter 2008 to the 4t h quarter 2009. From the 3r d quarter to the 4t h quarter of 2009 the prices increased by 2.0 per cent.

Continuous low growth in the prices of architectural activities

From the 4t h quarter of 2008 to the 4t h quarter of 2009, the prices of architectural activities rose by 2.5 per cent. This is the lowest growth since this price index was first published in 2001. From the 3r d quarter to the 4t h quarter of 2009 the prices increased by 0.6 per cent.

Employment activities

From the 4t h quarter of 2008 to the 4t h quarter of 2009 the prices of employment activities increased by 3.2 per cent. However, from the 3r d quarter to the 4t h quarter of 2009 the prices went down by 0.1 per cent. In this industry, provision of personnel makes up about 95 per cent of the total turnover.

Expected decrease in the prices of car rental after the summer

From the 3r d quarter to the 4t h quarter of 2009, the prices of car rental went down by 3.1 per cent. This decrease was a result of higher rental prices in the summer months. From the 4t h quarter of 2008 to the 4t h quarter of 2009, the prices rose by 5.0 per cent. This was mainly due to the 11.4 per cent increase in prices for private customers.

Growth in the prices of industrial cleaning activities

The growth in the prices of cleaning activities, from the 4t h quarter of 2008 to the 4t h quarter of 2009, was 4.0 per cent. This is the highest yearly growth in 2009. There was no change in the prices between the 3r d quarter of 2009 and the 4t h quarter of 2009.

Business activities, price indices 4th quarter 2009. 2006=100
Industry Price Index 4.quarter 2009 Change in per cent
3.quarter 2009-4.quarter 2009 4.quarter 2008-4.quarter 2009
Legal activities  116.1 0.3 3.0
Accounting and auditing activities  120.4 1.3 3.8
Business and other management consultancy activities  113.1 2.0 2.4
Architectural activities  116.8 0.6 2.5
Car rental  107.9 -3.1 5.0
Employment activities  118.9 -0.1 3.2
Cleaning activities  117.1 0.0 4.0