Price index of first-hand domestic salesOctober 2019


All releases for Price index of first-hand domestic sales - monthly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
10 March 2005 15 February 2005 Slight increase in domestic prices
10 February 2005 January 2005 Electricity prices keep falling
10 January 2005 15 December 2004 Lowest electricity prices since June 2003
10 December 2004 15 November 2004 Drop in prices of petroleum
10 November 2004 15 October 2004 Increase in domestic and import markets
11 October 2004 15 September 2004 Prices down in domestic and import markets
10 September 2004 15 August 2004 Higher prices of oil products and electricity
10 August 2004 15 July 2004 New figures for July
9 July 2004 15 June 2004 Reduced prices
10 June 2004 15 May 2004 Higher prices of oil products
10 May 2004 15 April 2004 Slight increase in import prices
13 April 2004 15 March 2004 Increased domestic prices
10 March 2004 15 February 2004 Increased domestic prices
10 February 2004 15 January 2004 Increased prices of oil and crude materials
9 January 2004 15 December 2003 Oil and electricity prices decreased