Low spraying activity in forestry
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
skogkultur, Silviculture, forest planting, seeding forest tending, ditching, fertilisation, ground preparation, government subsidies, spraying, tidyingForestry , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing




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Low spraying activity in forestry

Forest area sprayed has dropped in recent years. In 2000, weed killers were applied to four per cent of the cleared area, while the rest was cleared mechanically.

The figures for 1999 and 2000 are preliminary and represent minimum figures. The 1999 figures for Troms County are missing, and the county is excluded when comparing the two years.

 Chemical clearing and weed control in forests. 1991-2000. Decares

A total of 414 700 decares were cleared in 2000, of which 17 200 decares were sprayed. There has been a sharp decline in forest spraying throughout the 1990-ies. By comparison, 53 800 decares were sprayed in 1991. Most land was sprayed in Vestfold County, where 3 200 decares were treated with chemicals in 2000.

Most planting in Hedmark

187 700 decares were planted in 2000, much the same as last year, but far less than 10 years ago. A total of 37,4 millions forest plants were planted. Most forest planting was done in Hedmark. A total of 7,1 million forest plants were planted on 35 900 decares in this county. In Oppland 31 400 decares were planted.

Less scarification

A total of 78 700 decares were scarificated in 2000. From 1999 to 2000 the decline was 1 700 decares, or 2,1 per cent. Hedmark heads the list. 38 400 decares, or 49 per cent of the scarification, was applied in this county.

Decline in drainage

In 2000, 3 900 decares were drained, and the forest drainage has never been lower. The decline from 1999 is 1 900 decares, or 32 per cent. Drained forestland made up 3 600 decares of the total drained area. The rest was made up of different types of wetlands. Most drainage was done in Nord-Trøndelag with 2 200 decares.
