More nurses in hospitals
speshelsesom, Specialist health service, general careHealth services , Health

Specialist health service, general care2002



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More nurses in hospitals

Man-years in general hospitals rose by 3 per cent in 2002, or about 1 800 man-years. At the end of the year, the number of nurses was roughly 900 more in the hospitals compared to the year before.

Man-years general hospitals. 1993-2002

Final figures show that more than 61200 man-years were attached to general hospitals at the end of 2002, an increase of 3 per cent, or 1 800 extra man-years. Only small changes have taken place since the preliminary 2002 figures were released.

The growth in man-years within general hospitals the last ten years is 29 per cent, and shows that the result for 2002 follows the trend. The increase in 2002 is more than two times as big as the growth from 2000 until 2001, when the growth in hospital man-years was 1.5 per cent.

Man-years general hospitals. 2002

More nurses

At the end of 2002, more than 900 extra nurses were working at the hospitals compared with the year before. The growth was over 4 per cent, and we must return to 1999 to find a corresponding growth. Totally the number of nurses at the hospitals amounted to more than 22 200. Nurses including midwives represent more than 38 per cent of all the hospital man-years.

Key figures for somatic hospitals. 1990-2002
  1990 1995 2000 2001 2002
Beds 16 040 14 534 13 944 13 945 14 1616
Discharges      614 919      641 135      694 703      724 635      741 581
Bed-days in 1 000 4 519 4 255 4 164 4 205 4 203
Out-patient consultations in 1 0003 2 547 3 033 3 591 3 582 3 085
Day-cases in 1 0004          358
[Man-years1, total 46 508 50 130 58 522 59 406 61 239
Man-years1, physicians 4 576 5 402 7 073 7 242 7 291
Man-years, nurses and midwives 15 614 18 457 22 343 22 518 23 451
Man-years1, high-school educated personnel2 3 802 4 542 5 615 5 867 5 976
Man-years1, auxiliary nursing personnel 6 629 5 536 5 216 5 075 5 097
Man-years1, other occupational therapists  689  516  772  854  955
Man-years1, administration and service 14 974 15 420 17 170 17 507 18 097
1  Man-years is the number of full-time employees and part-time employees (converted to full-time
employees) at the end of the year. Overtime is not included.
2  Physiotherapists, medical laboratory technicians, radiographers and occupational therapsits.
3  From 2002, data from Norwegian Patient Register (NPR) is used.
4  Day-cases were incuded in out-patient consultations until 2002.
5  Corrected 20 October 2003.

More beds in hospitals

At the end of 2002, the number of beds was about 14,100, more than 200 compared with 2001.

The activity in hospitals increased in 2002

About 741,500 patients were discharged from hospitals in 2002, and over 3.4 million day treatments were carried out in hospitals in 2002. For more information and tables, see http://www.ssb.no/pasient_en/ .

Number of hospitals

The official number of hospitals in Norway year 2002 was 74. Some of them consist of several hospital units, but report as one hospital.
