Health;Social conditions, welfare and crime

Unpaid welfare work, survey on living conditions2019


Unpaid caregiving outside own household, per cent
Has parents 67 years and over in an institution (per cent)..
Has parents 67 years and over in need of institutional care (per cent)..
Has parents alive, and gives regular unpaid help to parents (per cent)10
Give regular unpaid help to others (per cent)9
Total percentage who regularly give unpaid help (per cent)14
Hours of help given to parents. Average per week for those who give help4
Hours of help given to others. Average per week for those who give help4
Hours of help given, total. Average per week for those who give help4
Given help with buying groceries, last 4 weeks, to parents who need help (per cent)10
Given help with cleaning, last 4 weeks to parents who need help (per cent)7
Given other practical help, last 4 weeks to parents who need help (per cent)15
Given care/supervision, last 4 weeks to parents who need help (per cent)7
Given assistance with home care services, last 4 weeks to parents who need help (per cent5
Number of respondents7 913