Increased building of dwellings
Construction, housing and property;Svalbard
byggeareal, Building statistics, building activity, buildings completed, buildings started, types of buildings (for example detached houses, holiday homes, commercial buildings), available area, dwellings, flats, houses, house building, cabinsConstruction, housing and property, Construction , Construction, housing and property, Svalbard

Building statisticsFebruary 2004



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Increased building of dwellings

4 532 dwellings were registered started in Norway during the first two months of 2004. This is an increase by 13.5 per cent compared with the same period last year.

Number of dwellings. Unadjusted and trend. January 1990-February  2004

There has been an increase in the building of dwellings in the most populated counties, Oslo, Akershus and Hordaland. In Hordaland the number of started dwellings was doubled during the first two months of the year, compared with a low level in the same period last year. In Oslo the building of dwellings in this two-month period has had a yearly growth since 2001.

By percentage, the highest decrease in building of dwellings has been recorded in Nordland and Troms. The number of dwellings decreased by 67 and 58 per cent respectively from a high level in 2003.

537 200 square meters of utility floor space were started for dwelling purposes in January and February. This is an increase of 9.5 per cent compared with the same period last year.

Started non-residential utility floor space.  Unadjusted and trend. January 1990-February 2004. Square metre

Decline in industry buildings

In January and February this year, 597 400 square meters of utility floor space were started for other purposes than dwellings, against 617 200 square meters at the same time last year. This is a decrease of 3.2 per cent. The strongest decline in percentage was recorded in Oslo and Hedmark, both counties by 52 per cent.

Revised figures

In 2001, 2002 and at the beginning of 2003 the recording of non-residential buildings in the municipality of Oslo was imperfect, and previously published figures has been to low. The revised figures for 2001, 2002 and 2003 are now published, and the statistics include all industrial buildings in Oslo.
