Monthly earnings up NOK 1 500
Labour market and earnings
lonnstasyk, Earnings in health enterprises, hospitals, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, ergonomists, social workers, child welfare officers, psychologists, bioengineers, radiographers, audiometrists, care workers, medical secretariesEarnings and labour costs, Labour market and earnings

Earnings in health enterprises1 October 2009

The 2015 wage statistics for all industrial sections and various areas in the public sector will be released collectively on 3 March 2016 in the statistics Earnings of all employees.



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Monthly earnings up NOK 1 500

Full-time employees in the health enterprises had average monthly earnings, excluding overtime allowance, of NOK 37 700 per 1 October 2009. This is an increase of NOK 1 500 kroner, or 4.1 percent, from the same date in 2008.

Full-time employed nurses had monthly earnings, excluding overtime allowance, of NOK 32 500. This is NOK 800, or 2.5 percent, more than in October 2008. By comparison, specialist nurses had a wage growth of NOK 1 100, or 3 percent, in the same period, to NOK 37 200 per month.

Auxiliary nurses’ wages growing by NOK 1 200

Average monthly earnings for auxiliary nurses working full time was NOK 29 600 in October 2009. This equals to a year-on-year increase of NOK 1 200 or 4.2 percent. In comparison, physicians' secretaries had monthly earnings of NOK 26 600, also an increase of NOK 1 200.

1 800 NOK more for physicians

Full-time employed physicians had average monthly earnings, excluding overtime allowance, of NOK 59 900 per October 2009. This is NOK 1 800, or 3.1 percent, more than in October 2008.

NOK 2 500 increase for managers

Average monthly earnings for Senior officials and managers amounted to NOK 49 100. This is an increase of NOK 2 500, or 5.4 percent, from October 2008. For directors and chief executives the monthly earnings were NOK 83 000, up NOK 5 400 or 7 percent, from the year before.

A large proportion are part-time employees

48 per cent of the employees in the health institutions are working part time. To be able to compare wages for full time and part time employees, we calculate the wages of the part time employees into full time equivalents. The wage level of these part time working full time equivalents was NOK 34 900, up 4.5 percent from October 2008.

Slightly more than half of the women employed in the health enterprises work part time, as contrasted to about a third of the men. Wage growth for part-time working female employees was 4.2 per cent, to NOK 34 500, while men had a wage growth of 6.3 per cent, to NOK 37 400.

Health enterprises have many employees in occupational groups of nurses, physicians, and auxiliary nurses. Three-quarters of all employees in the health institutions are women.
