Compensation in cash up 9 per cent
Arbeid og lønn
lonnltreg, Wage totals from End of the Year Certificate Register, wages in cash, payments in kind, fringe benefits, company car, free car, free telephone, expenditure allowance, car allowance, holiday pay basis, unemployment benefit, basis for employer's ni contributionsLønn og arbeidskraftkostnader, Arbeid og lønn

Wage totals from End of the Year Certificate Register2006



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Compensation in cash up 9 per cent

Total paid compensation in cash amounted to NOK 727 billion in 2006. This is an increase of NOK 61 billion, or 9 per cent, from 2005.

For men, the increase was 9.7 per cent from NOK 408 billion in 2004 to NOK 448 billion in 2006. In comparison, women had NOK 279 billion in 2006, an increase of 7.9 per cent from 2005. 2 754 000 persons received compensation in cash in 2006, which is 81 500 more than in 2005.

Disbursements of Unemployment benefits

119 000 persons received unemployment benefit in 2006, a decrease of 29 per cent from the year before. Total disbursements of unemployment benefit amounted to NOK 6 billion in 2006, a decrease of 36 per cent from 2005.

About the statistical basis

The statistics are based on figures from the register on End of the Year Certificates for the year 2006. This covers enterprises that are obligated by law to report to the register.
