Labour market and earnings;Social conditions, welfare and crime

Working environment, survey on living conditions2016-2017


Selected indicators for physical working environment. Per cent
Both sexesMalesFemales
Fysical and chemical work enviroment
Exposed to poor indoor climate most of the time211528
Exposed to skin-irritant substances most of the time9612
Exposed to poor working light most of the time343
Exposed to loud noise most of the time573
Ergonomic work enviroment
Lifting in uncomfortable positions most of the time555
Work standing up most of the time444148
Work sitting down most of the time596256
Work with repeated or monotonous movements most of the time353436
Lift at least 20 kg 5 times a day or more10146
Work with keyboard or mouse727075
Work related health problems
Pain in neck, shoulders or upper back, due to work10713
Pain in lower back, due to work546
Pain in arms, wrists or hands, due to work444
Pain in hips, legs, knees or feet, due to work435
Headache or migraine, due to work325
Physically worn out at home after work, weekly333037
Mentally drained at home after work, weekly191622
Sickness absence lasting more than 14 days, last 12 months151318
Sickness absence was due to health problems caused by work556
At work despite being sick 4 times or more last year131215
Work related accidents
High risk of accidents at work351
Involved in accidents at work, last 12 months121