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Weekly Bulletin issue no. 44, 1997 <sti>Stikktittel

Hotel statistics, September 1997:

Increase in Danish and British business at Norwegian hotels

The number of guest-nights at Norwegian hotels increased in September 1997 by five percent compared to September 1996, from 1.22 to 1.28 million guest-nights. Domestic business increased by four per cent from 932,000 to 972,000 guest-nights, while overseas business increased by eight per cent, from 286,000 guest-nights in September last year to 309,000 guest-nights in September this year.
Danish and British hotel guests accounted for increases of 40 and 20 per cent respectively compared to September 1996. The two markets accounted for well over half of the increase in overall foreign business. Other markets such as Switzerland and Spain show equally large relative increases, but were beat by Denmark and Britain when it comes to the increase in absolute guest-night figures. A few nations, such as Finland, the Netherlands and France, had small declines in the number of guest-nights.

Spain has increased much since 1990

After increasing without interruption since 1990, Spanish business has grown from a small to a medium-sized market. In September 1997 Spain was on a par with the Netherlands measured in terms of guest-nights. From September 1990 to September 1997 Spanish business has increased sixfold, from around 2,000 to nearly 14,000 guest-nights.

New Statistics

Hotel statistics, September 1997.
Statistics are published every month in the Weekly Bulletin of Statistics. More information: Arild Krogh, tel. +47 62 88 54 23, e-mail: akr@ssb.no or Tom Granseth, tel. +47 62 88 54 06, e-mail: tog@ssb.no on tourism in general.

Weekly Bulletin issue no. 44, 1997