Logistic regression analysis. Probability of being satisfied with the quality of teaching. N=7947

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Logistic regression analysis. Probability of being satisfied with the quality of teaching. N=79471
  Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
1*** p < 0.001 ** p < 0.01 * p < 0.05.
2Reference category: University of Stavanger.
3Reference category: Education.
4Reference category: Other study programs (one-year program, single subjects).
5Reference category: 25-29 years.
6Reference category: 20-40 hours.
Parameter OR(sig) OR(sig) OR(sig) OR(sig)
Intercept 1.176 0.940 0.867 0.852
Nord University 1.058 1.055 1.046 1.022
University of Agder 1,824** 1,843** 1,839** 1,837**
NTNU 1,625*** 1,634*** 1,477** 1,48**
University of Tromsø 1,343* 1,346* 1.232 1.216
University of Oslo 1,865*** 1,768*** 1,524** 1,554**
University of Bergen 1,919*** 1,809*** 1,590** 1,618**
NMBU 2,975*** 2,794*** 2,377*** 2,404***
Norwegian Business School 2,644*** 2,45*** 2,552*** 2,498***
Norwegian School of Economics 5,184*** 4,734*** 4,283*** 4,394***
Bergen University College 0.933 0.997 1.086 1.067
Lillehammer University College 1.397 1.407 1.441 1.430
Østfold University College 1.242 1.314 1.394 1.352
Oslo og Akershus University College 1.101 1.164 1.214 1.189
Other institution 1,703*** 1,762*** 1,806*** 1,775***
Field of education3        
Arts and humanities . 1,279* 1,330** 1,342**
Social sciences, journalism and information . 1.189 1,229* 1,237*
Natural sciences, mathematics and ICTs . 1,466** 1,511** 1,481**
Business, administration and law . 1,213** 1,200* 1,193*
Engineering, manufacturing, construction . 1.028 1.031 1.014
Health and welfare . 0.984 0.993 0.972
Other field . 0.737 0.761 0.753
Study program4        
Bachelor . . 0,803** 0.885
5-6 year long national degree . . 1,337** 1,538**
Master . . 1,209** 1,296**
Younger than 22 years . . . 1,240**
22-24 years . . . 1.137
30 years or older . . . 1,443*
Woman . . . 0,896**
Full time student . . . 0.866
Student having paid work . . . 0.961
Time spent on studies6        
40 hours or more . . . 0.941
< 20 hours . . . 0,843*

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