Moderate increase in value added
Energy and manufacturing
oljev, Extraction and related services, petroleum activity, oil production, gas production, pipeline transport, employees, wage costs, value added, production value, product input, added value, services, drillingOil and gas , Energy and manufacturing

Extraction and related services2012, preliminary figures



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Moderate increase in value added

Higher prices and an increase in gas production led to an increase in the value added of 4 per cent in 2012, compared to the year before. Increased intermediate consumption counteracted this increase so that the overall increase in value added in the oil and gas sector was 3 per cent from 2011 to 2012.

Annual statistics oil- and gas activity
201120121Change in per cent
NOK million/numberNOK million/numberShare2011 - 2012
1For 2012 the figures are preliminary.
Total value of production791 198826 6451004.5
Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines688 210714 81086.53.9
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction102 988111 83513.58.6
Intermediate consumption, total150 716166 09410010.2
Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines87 23396 18257.910.3
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction63 48369 91242.110.1
Value added, total640 482660 8541003.2
Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines600 977618 62793.62.9
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction39 50542 2276.46.9
Total employees54 62358 8091007.7
Extraction of oil and natural gas, incl. transport via pipelines23 86925 19342.85.5
Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction30 75433 61657.29.3

The oil and gas activity in Norway consists of the extraction of crude oil and natural gas, support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction and pipeline transport. The production value for these three industries amounted to NOK 827 billion in 2012. This equals an increase of 4.5 per cent from 2011. The intermediate consumption showed an increase of 10 per cent and amounted to NOK 166 billion in 2012. This resulted in value added of NOK 661 billion in 2012, up NOK 20 billion or 3.2 per cent from 2011. The value added is often used as a measure of the XXX and consists of the industry’s production value minus the input factors of goods and services (intermediate consumption).

Production in oil and gas extraction industry remains high

The production value from the extraction industry (including transport via pipelines) increased by 4 per cent from the previous year to NOK 715 billion. This was due to an increase in production of 1.5 per cent, measured in tonnes, and an increase in prices of both the crude oil and natural gas. Oil prices rose by 3 per cent from the previous year, while gas prices increased by 10 per cent. For condensate and NGL , the price went down, but these products are not extracted to the same degree as crude oil and natural gas. The production, broken down by product, showed a fall in the production of oil by 9 per cent, and for condensate a fall of 1 per cent. The production of natural gas increased by 12 per cent and NGL by 9 per cent. In total, the extraction of petroleum products increased. Also see statistics on oil and gas production .

In the extraction industry , intermediate consumption represents a very small share of the production value. In 2012 this share was only 13 per cent in the extraction and pipeline industries together. The intermediate consumption in the two industries consists of consumption of fuel and fuel, maintenance and rental of equipment and other service use. The total intermediate consumption increased by 10 per cent from 2011, and amounted to NOK 96 billion in 2012. The combined value added increased by 3 per cent from 2011, ending at NOK 661 billion in 2012. Value added for extraction industry ended at NOK 619 billion in 2012, up 3 per cent from the year before. This is 2 per cent below the peak in 2008, but 40 per cent higher than the bottom year of 2009.

The investments in  oil and gas activities amounted to NOK 172 billion in 2012; an increase of 18 per cent from 2011. The increase was mainly due to high activity in the development of new fields and the fact that many fields are mature and in need of an upgrade. Also see Investment statistics .

The oil service industry employed the most

The oil service industry made up 57 per cent of the total number of employees in the three oil and gas industries as a whole, and 6 per cent of the total value added.

In 2012, the gross value of production amounted to nearly NOK 112 billion. This is an increase of almost NOK 9 billion, or 9 per cent, from 2011. The intermediate consumption had an increase of 10 per cent, to NOK 69.9 billion in 2012. This resulted in an increase in the value added of 7 per cent and was in total 42 NOK billion in 2012. The number of employees in the oil service industry increased by 9 per cent to 33 600 employees.

The investments in the oil service industry, which were negative in 2011, ended at NOK 10 billion in 2012. This was almost as high as the peak year of 2009.

Highest compensation of employees in the extraction industry

The compensation of employees in the extraction and oil service industries reached 1.53 and 0.94 million NOK per employee respectively in 2012. This includes wages, salaries and employers’ contributions. Also see the article Earnings in oil and gas production and mining