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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2012
22 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2009-prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1 12:2
Household final consumption expenditure 1 016 238 1 041 718 258 197 258 389 260 186 261 498 263 437 266 331 269 328
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 131 519 136 622 33 410 33 982 34 139 34 455 34 624 34 843 35 639
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco etc 41 519 39 972 10 286 9 903 9 982 9 996 10 170 9 991 9 985
Clothing and footwear 56 324 58 456 14 818 14 489 14 656 14 908 14 682 15 249 15 370
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 207 574 208 030 52 731 51 963 51 843 52 378 52 017 52 429 53 411
Furnishings, household equip. and household main 56 916 58 500 14 425 14 503 14 625 14 728 14 857 15 008 15 342
Health 27 199 27 128 6 838 6 756 6 780 6 800 6 854 6 862 6 895
Transport 143 737 148 134 36 342 36 900 37 123 36 748 37 418 37 271 37 396
Communication 27 892 28 250 7 098 7 080 7 072 7 029 7 061 7 385 7 473
Recreation and culture 124 016 128 784 31 611 31 579 32 203 32 390 32 829 32 961 33 307
Education 4 280 4 374 1 085 1 084 1 091 1 106 1 100 1 102 1 124
Restaurants and hotels 56 650 58 968 14 151 14 602 14 649 14 697 15 018 15 186 15 134
Miscellaneous goods and services 101 948 102 602 25 742 25 602 25 478 25 724 25 882 26 220 26 458
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 64 407 70 124 16 591 16 772 17 560 17 651 18 173 19 021 19 093
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res. household -27 742 -28 226 -6 931 -6 825 -7 016 -7 111 -7 247 -7 197 -7 298
Goods 1 516 722 523 611 131 881 130 502 131 203 131 710 132 050 133 030 135 200
Services 1 462 851 476 209 116 656 117 939 118 438 119 248 120 460 121 477 122 334
Dwellings 168 186 172 147 42 340 42 710 42 900 43 148 43 400 43 603 43 821
Other services 294 665 304 062 74 316 75 229 75 538 76 100 77 061 77 874 78 513