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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2008
35 Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At constant 2006-prices. Million kroner
  2006 2007 06:4 07:1 07:2 07:3 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3
Gross fixed capital formation 424 178 459 610 116 946 104 044 111 268 116 530 127 769 114 559 119 123 118 716
Building and construction 211 749 233 151 58 695 56 717 57 273 56 782 62 379 57 313 57 795 54 303
Oil exploraion, drilling, pipelines for oil and ga 45 426 49 544 11 721 10 908 12 368 13 197 13 071 10 968 12 235 13 181
Oil platforms etc 31 369 41 883 9 319 7 077 10 040 11 799 12 966 12 179 12 783 13 850
Ships and boats 25 415 26 665 5 041 5 383 4 844 8 264 8 174 7 915 6 646 9 557
Other transport equipment 14 922 17 692 3 983 4 389 4 365 4 153 4 785 4 806 5 061 3 978
Machinery and equipment 95 297 90 675 28 189 19 570 22 378 22 334 26 393 21 377 24 604 23 848
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 6 959 6 716 1 572 1 154 2 056 1 987 1 518 1 161 2 061 1 952
Fishing and fish farming 1 870 2 127 620 388 513 607 618 1 143 684 623
Oil and gas extraction including services 93 496 98 822 26 743 20 261 24 749 26 951 26 861 23 418 25 423 27 614
Oil and gas extraction 90 180 97 885 24 620 20 142 24 209 26 718 26 816 23 329 25 365 27 667
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 3 316 938 2 123 119 540 233 45 89 57 -53
Mining and quarrying 712 768 233 132 134 151 352 262 272 287
Manufacturing 23 705 29 816 8 031 4 787 6 711 7 656 10 662 7 032 8 965 8 996
Food products, beverages and tobacco 4 297 4 108 1 286 757 953 991 1 406 1 149 1 391 1 324
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 213 244 34 45 65 62 73 72 46 19
Wood and wood products 937 1 172 232 218 228 387 338 224 383 371
Pulp, paper and paper products 727 899 284 145 290 209 255 106 118 127
Publishing, printing, reproduction 1 478 1 116 406 246 307 216 347 306 336 324
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 4 758 4 968 1 708 999 1 142 1 350 1 477 1 165 1 186 1 537
Basic chemicals 2 518 4 085 901 354 819 1 173 1 739 1 355 2 216 2 125
Basic metals 1 822 2 712 821 471 534 702 1 004 553 896 920
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 4 799 7 130 1 686 1 120 1 674 1 804 2 533 1 531 1 753 1 666
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 1 194 2 128 351 228 345 437 1 119 352 350 383
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 962 1 253 323 204 354 324 371 218 290 200
Electricity and gas supply 9 289 10 823 3 054 1 764 2 617 2 875 3 567 2 031 3 332 3 113
Water supply 2 372 2 139 665 442 527 549 621 395 459 578
Construction 8 350 9 532 2 120 2 371 2 525 2 312 2 324 2 462 2 750 2 350
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 14 107 15 184 4 036 3 664 3 630 3 612 4 279 4 004 4 007 3 724
Hotels and restaurants 1 972 2 152 462 444 561 549 598 565 560 594
Transport via pipelines 5 297 2 842 899 591 922 1 066 262 383 526 522
Ocean transport 16 960 20 767 3 211 4 781 4 214 7 721 4 051 6 578 5 762 5 685
Other transport industries 10 570 15 555 2 690 4 290 3 469 3 611 4 185 4 592 4 243 4 080
Post and telecommunications 5 958 4 408 1 377 1 226 1 048 1 068 1 066 934 818 884
Financial intermediation 8 954 9 021 2 156 2 264 2 239 2 266 2 252 2 288 2 265 2 203
Dwellings (households) 90 404 95 199 24 096 24 673 23 904 22 680 23 942 23 336 22 194 19 992
Business services 54 881 59 892 14 975 14 778 14 166 14 440 16 508 16 699 16 027 15 377
Public administration and defence 29 130 30 218 7 469 6 705 6 774 6 122 10 617 7 190 7 583 10 620
Education 11 683 13 057 3 248 2 622 3 238 3 124 4 074 3 057 3 446 3 372
Health and social work 15 897 17 616 5 748 3 577 4 145 4 367 5 527 3 714 4 344 3 363
Other social and personal services 11 612 12 956 3 540 3 132 3 125 2 815 3 883 3 317 3 402 2 787
Mainland Norway 308 425 337 180 86 093 78 411 81 383 80 792 96 594 84 180 87 413 84 896
General government 61 456 66 318 18 305 14 090 15 536 14 591 22 100 15 075 16 764 18 214
Central government 31 631 32 911 8 597 6 727 7 056 6 887 12 242 6 799 7 402 10 283
Civilian central government 24 347 25 788 7 106 5 711 6 152 6 020 7 905 5 787 6 383 5 964
Defence 7 284 7 124 1 491 1 016 904 867 4 337 1 012 1 019 4 319
Local government 29 825 33 407 9 708 7 364 8 479 7 705 9 859 8 276 9 362 7 931