Statistics Norway - home page

Quarterly national accounts, 1. quarter 2008
38 Exports of goods and services. At current prices. Million kroner
  2006 2007 06:2 06:3 06:4 07:1 07:2 07:3 07:4 08:1
Total exports 1 005 483 1 042 718 245 350 244 956 259 911 253 781 251 278 252 330 285 328 293 099
Goods 783 714 795 620 190 385 188 262 200 692 196 081 190 182 188 098 221 258 227 987
Crude oil and natural gas 498 355 479 948 122 037 119 080 120 956 117 612 111 415 113 637 137 284 148 555
Ships, new 6 619 4 159 879 2 327 1 954 857 1 420 740 1 142 524
Ships, second-hand 4 026 5 919 537 94 2 575 1 271 1 080 2 536 1 032 1 040
Oil platforms and modules, new 758 2 143 196 160 214 405 1 346 185 207 285
Oil platforms, second-hand 1 530 17 12 633 1 4 3 8 2 10
Direct exports in relation to petroleum activiti 26 3 11 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
Aircraft and helicopters 921 506 326 252 326 26 113 166 201 6
Other goods 271 479 302 371 66 387 65 716 74 665 75 905 74 793 70 325 81 347 77 566
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 15 708 16 474 4 118 3 796 4 542 4 124 3 907 3 911 4 532 4 080
Mining and quarrying 4 064 4 909 773 1 315 1 212 844 791 1 677 1 597 701
Manufacturing products 248 224 277 913 60 976 59 390 68 508 70 413 69 467 63 656 74 377 71 746
Food products, beverages and tobacco 24 455 25 137 5 005 5 171 7 868 6 972 5 167 4 899 8 099 6 473
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 396 2 536 558 553 679 698 624 575 639 581
Wood products 2 847 2 849 690 651 791 818 731 646 654 689
Pulp, paper and paper products 11 067 10 827 2 684 2 693 2 797 2 817 2 734 2 684 2 592 2 656
Printing and publishing 406 404 86 93 126 107 87 98 112 102
Refined petroleum products 29 034 28 369 8 785 7 152 5 957 5 923 6 916 6 592 8 938 8 516
Basic chemicals 22 538 21 433 5 733 5 478 5 848 5 741 5 078 5 173 5 441 6 290
Chemical and mineral products 16 815 22 254 3 984 3 899 4 880 5 744 5 576 5 124 5 810 5 645
Basic metals 65 403 78 711 15 945 16 043 18 920 21 210 21 394 18 162 17 945 18 541
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 68 495 80 497 16 423 16 588 19 229 19 057 19 985 18 673 22 782 21 058
Furniture and other manufacturing products 4 768 4 896 1 083 1 069 1 413 1 326 1 175 1 030 1 365 1 195
Electricity 3 483 3 075 520 1 215 403 524 628 1 082 841 1 039
Other goods excluding refined petroleum products 242 445 274 002 57 602 58 564 68 708 69 982 67 877 63 733 72 409 69 050
Services 221 769 247 098 54 965 56 694 59 219 57 700 61 096 64 232 64 070 65 112
Gross receipts, shipping 82 620 90 639 19 673 21 496 21 368 21 188 22 620 23 302 23 529 23 937
Petroleum activities, various services 360 349 87 88 91 91 83 82 93 93
Oil drilling etc 15 829 20 355 4 725 3 552 4 197 4 548 4 975 5 883 4 949 6 123
Pipeline transport 12 997 10 984 3 079 3 136 3 606 2 687 2 426 2 813 3 058 3 065
Travel 24 113 25 654 6 628 7 243 5 768 4 814 7 100 7 625 6 115 5 163
Other services 85 850 99 117 20 773 21 179 24 189 24 372 23 892 24 527 26 326 26 731
Transport, post and telecommunication 13 760 17 262 3 105 3 758 3 993 3 915 3 211 4 620 5 516 5 066
Financial and business services 55 369 59 071 13 587 13 784 14 662 14 349 15 250 14 593 14 879 14 696
Services n.e.c 16 721 22 784 4 081 3 637 5 534 6 108 5 431 5 314 5 931 6 969