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Quarterly National Accounts, 4th quarter 2006
39 Exports of goods and services. At constant 2004-prices. Million kroner
  2005 2006 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2 06:3 06:4
Total exports 737 591 748 353 180 846 188 477 178 766 189 502 189 071 185 325 177 980 195 977
Goods 552 086 548 774 137 326 141 098 131 923 141 740 142 116 133 422 129 911 143 326
Crude oil and natural gas 320 559 303 128 82 545 81 197 75 746 81 071 81 730 74 196 70 923 76 279
Ships, new 2 637 4 904 166 535 1 365 570 435 821 2 119 1 528
Ships, second-hand 3 864 2 625 776 1 039 1 788 261 718 416 102 1 388
Oil platforms and modules, new 919 684 1 788 63 68 176 180 138 190
Oil platforms, second-hand 2 973 1 538 35 2 889 22 27 884 12 633 9
Direct exports in relation to petroleum activiti 89 52 24 16 21 28 14 10 0 27
Aircraft and helicopters 298 823 8 133 56 101 16 342 257 208
Other goods 220 746 235 021 53 772 54 500 52 861 59 614 58 144 57 443 55 738 63 696
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 11 002 11 617 2 412 2 613 2 680 3 297 2 647 2 608 2 608 3 754
Mining and quarrying 3 660 4 086 663 833 1 271 893 751 751 1 379 1 205
Manufacturing products 202 229 217 127 49 656 50 279 48 070 54 225 53 819 53 718 51 126 58 464
Food products, beverages and tobacco 21 547 21 177 5 644 4 511 4 418 6 974 5 636 4 310 4 291 6 940
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 321 2 392 540 592 561 628 616 583 543 651
Wood products 2 684 2 826 627 743 619 695 733 708 648 738
Pulp, paper and paper products 11 321 10 944 2 788 2 843 2 798 2 892 2 882 2 712 2 683 2 667
Printing and publishing 563 423 143 144 144 132 103 99 102 118
Refined petroleum products 15 405 18 128 3 214 3 644 4 047 4 500 4 592 5 107 4 206 4 222
Basic chemicals 19 011 19 914 4 910 4 837 4 738 4 526 4 906 5 218 4 902 4 888
Chemical and mineral products 15 611 16 721 3 718 4 031 3 679 4 183 4 038 4 015 3 950 4 717
Basic metals 50 544 50 156 13 309 13 048 12 161 12 026 12 732 12 897 11 743 12 785
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 58 828 69 675 13 702 14 787 13 899 16 441 16 388 16 942 16 979 19 366
Furniture and other manufacturing products 4 394 4 772 1 061 1 099 1 006 1 228 1 191 1 128 1 080 1 373
Electricity 3 855 2 190 1 041 775 840 1 199 928 366 624 272
Other goods excluding refined petroleum products 205 341 216 893 50 558 50 856 48 814 55 114 53 552 52 336 51 531 59 474
Services 185 505 199 579 43 521 47 379 46 843 47 762 46 955 51 903 48 070 52 652
Gross receipts, shipping 72 140 70 896 18 124 19 133 17 171 17 711 16 840 18 840 17 168 18 048
Petroleum activities, various services 558 511 143 138 136 140 137 124 125 125
Oil drilling etc 11 965 17 401 1 763 2 592 2 954 4 656 3 384 4 655 2 629 6 733
Pipeline transport 11 334 11 626 3 048 2 714 2 498 3 074 3 200 2 695 2 642 3 088
Travel 21 974 22 574 4 459 6 045 6 552 4 918 4 301 6 281 6 888 5 105
Other services 67 534 76 571 15 983 16 757 17 531 17 263 19 092 19 308 18 619 19 552
Transport, post and telecommunication 13 278 12 330 2 885 3 387 3 579 3 427 2 675 2 802 3 576 3 277
Financial and business services 41 284 50 158 10 072 10 266 10 154 10 792 12 711 12 415 12 090 12 942
Services n.e.c 12 972 14 082 3 026 3 105 3 798 3 043 3 706 4 091 2 953 3 333