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Quarterly National Accounts, 4th quarter 2006
32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2004-prices. Million kroner
  2005 2006 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2 06:3 06:4
Final consumption expenditure of households 778 529 811 394 190 907 195 530 196 355 195 302 199 507 202 297 203 882 205 546
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 100 316 102 433 25 025 25 166 25 170 24 967 25 446 25 675 25 870 25 622
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 31 627 32 238 7 909 7 874 7 973 7 864 7 982 8 106 8 069 8 063
Clothing and footwear 44 650 48 348 10 739 11 561 11 234 11 105 11 707 11 791 12 198 12 610
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 154 405 156 139 38 236 38 566 39 082 38 759 39 088 39 179 38 887 38 887
Furnishings, household equipment 46 873 50 129 11 369 11 844 11 848 11 783 12 344 12 394 12 607 12 825
Health 21 975 22 434 5 470 5 516 5 489 5 507 5 569 5 618 5 628 5 638
Transport 107 444 109 377 26 395 27 062 26 845 27 077 26 983 27 159 27 514 27 827
Communication 25 170 26 270 6 281 6 255 6 329 6 296 6 212 6 528 6 487 7 044
Recreation and culture 99 421 105 872 24 241 24 729 25 323 24 904 25 495 26 206 26 789 27 217
Education 4 143 4 328 1 025 1 028 1 036 1 056 1 071 1 074 1 083 1 101
Restaurants and hotels 42 992 45 174 10 329 10 738 10 795 11 054 11 127 11 241 11 298 11 482
Miscellaneous goods and services 74 906 79 269 18 445 18 632 18 845 18 992 19 452 19 833 19 916 20 136
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 46 583 51 958 10 898 11 990 11 783 11 668 12 313 13 125 13 236 13 004
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -21 974 -22 574 -5 454 -5 433 -5 397 -5 731 -5 282 -5 632 -5 699 -5 909
Goods 1 404 922 420 956 99 513 102 053 102 287 101 154 103 890 104 654 105 923 106 657
Services 1 348 998 361 054 85 951 86 919 87 681 88 212 88 586 90 151 90 423 91 794
Dwellings 123 028 124 379 30 531 30 678 30 852 30 945 30 849 31 074 31 176 31 266
Other services 225 970 236 675 55 420 56 241 56 830 57 267 57 737 59 077 59 247 60 528