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Quarterly National Accounts, 3rd quarter 2006
32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2004-prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2 06:3
Final consumption expenditure of households 754 220 777 977 190 227 190 496 195 423 196 296 195 257 198 986 201 881 203 347
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 99 702 100 313 24 743 25 024 25 179 25 193 24 926 25 454 25 705 25 907
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 31 710 31 627 7 751 7 913 7 854 7 967 7 883 7 985 8 085 8 064
Clothing and footwear 40 380 44 650 10 376 10 743 11 563 11 220 11 116 11 710 11 793 12 180
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 152 020 154 424 38 121 38 238 38 624 39 179 38 643 39 118 39 257 38 978
Furnishings, household equipment 44 676 46 873 11 297 11 374 11 858 11 854 11 764 12 350 12 411 12 616
Health 21 547 21 964 5 402 5 471 5 516 5 487 5 496 5 504 5 551 5 559
Transport 107 861 107 446 28 498 26 366 27 020 26 736 27 316 26 868 27 032 27 292
Communication 23 827 25 170 5 984 6 265 6 244 6 318 6 344 6 138 6 464 6 418
Recreation and culture 95 197 99 422 23 885 24 233 24 745 25 303 24 907 25 492 26 225 26 769
Education 4 050 4 145 1 029 1 031 1 031 1 031 1 052 1 061 1 061 1 059
Restaurants and hotels 41 752 42 993 10 343 10 339 10 743 10 767 11 078 11 084 11 192 11 291
Miscellaneous goods and services 71 361 74 344 17 859 18 045 18 441 18 779 19 032 19 167 19 543 19 559
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 41 275 46 583 10 296 10 890 12 030 11 842 11 498 12 312 13 181 13 327
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -21 138 -21 974 -5 358 -5 435 -5 424 -5 380 -5 797 -5 255 -5 619 -5 674
Goods 1 394 424 404 919 99 895 99 464 102 091 102 331 101 187 103 733 104 692 105 910
Services 1 339 659 348 450 85 394 85 577 86 727 87 503 88 370 88 196 89 627 89 783
Dwellings 121 674 123 047 30 541 30 533 30 681 30 856 30 958 30 850 31 075 31 176
Other services 217 985 225 403 54 852 55 044 56 045 56 647 57 412 57 347 58 552 58 607