Statistics Norway - home page

29 Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 2003-prices. Million kroner
  2003 2004 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3
Final consumption expenditure of households 690 353 722 765 184 520 170 767 175 916 182 873 193 209 173 315 183 920 192 260
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 96 990 96 959 25 938 23 011 24 170 24 217 25 561 22 354 23 997 24 255
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 30 223 29 892 8 183 6 921 7 609 7 453 7 908 6 747 7 581 7 666
Clothing and footwear 38 021 43 670 11 533 9 392 10 462 10 860 12 956 10 080 12 268 12 149
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 145 419 149 473 38 029 39 448 35 839 35 084 39 102 40 378 37 262 36 395
Furnishings, household equipment 42 767 45 717 12 742 10 504 10 338 11 384 13 491 10 707 11 132 12 146
Health 20 291 20 978 5 375 4 953 5 275 5 185 5 565 5 031 5 434 5 301
Transport 95 578 103 217 23 883 23 950 26 179 26 175 26 913 23 040 27 109 26 822
Communication 19 673 22 037 5 372 5 331 5 325 5 669 5 712 5 823 5 669 5 875
Recreation and culture 89 930 95 000 24 832 21 171 22 494 25 006 26 329 21 967 23 140 26 047
Education 3 678 3 646 933 923 898 895 930 950 925 923
Restaurants and hotels 41 003 40 684 10 332 9 015 10 454 11 103 10 113 8 944 10 709 11 588
Miscellaneous goods and services 53 509 55 957 14 344 13 435 14 004 13 673 14 845 13 464 14 488 14 272
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 32 046 35 984 7 048 6 886 8 552 12 403 8 143 8 127 9 959 15 068
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -18 775 -20 451 -4 022 -4 174 -5 683 -6 235 -4 359 -4 295 -5 756 -6 247
Goods 1 373 918 394 044 105 077 92 661 94 646 96 366 110 370 92 549 98 758 100 452
Services 1 303 164 313 188 76 418 75 394 78 400 80 339 79 055 76 934 80 958 82 987
Dwellings 112 397 115 494 28 360 28 610 28 747 28 926 29 211 29 439 29 648 29 866
Other services 190 767 197 694 48 058 46 784 49 653 51 412 49 844 47 495 51 310 53 121