Statistics Norway - home page

32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2002-prices. Million kroner
  2003 2004 03:3 03:4 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2
Final consumption expenditure of households 670 511 699 551 168 982 169 716 173 298 173 234 174 760 176 995 176 393 180 733
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 93 110 93 110 23 321 23 316 23 745 23 004 23 167 22 957 23 038 23 109
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 29 209 28 960 7 387 7 316 7 413 7 261 7 214 7 015 7 186 7 210
Clothing and footwear 42 712 48 207 10 996 11 155 11 725 11 843 12 074 12 314 12 463 13 789
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 137 571 141 243 34 686 34 561 34 812 35 222 35 607 35 664 35 934 36 411
Furnishings, household equipment 42 831 45 371 10 800 10 890 11 186 11 215 11 332 11 436 11 401 12 028
Health 19 636 20 319 4 926 4 921 5 023 5 069 5 079 5 106 5 153 5 258
Transport 95 099 101 485 23 769 24 070 25 183 24 699 24 895 26 757 24 492 25 181
Communication 20 179 22 946 5 063 5 367 5 554 5 691 5 941 5 729 6 115 5 948
Recreation and culture 87 845 92 526 22 491 22 107 22 442 23 117 23 293 23 287 23 442 23 943
Education 3 835 3 901 960 970 965 968 976 992 1 003 1 010
Restaurants and hotels 39 338 38 995 9 759 9 900 9 859 9 733 9 617 9 635 9 717 9 639
Miscellaneous goods and services 48 203 49 554 12 103 12 314 12 296 12 388 12 326 12 476 12 450 12 561
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 29 451 33 041 7 433 7 593 8 073 8 100 8 189 8 754 9 124 9 768
Direct purchases in Norway by non-resident househo -18 507 -20 107 -4 712 -4 763 -4 977 -5 075 -4 951 -5 126 -5 124 -5 122
Goods 1 370 473 389 670 93 687 93 874 96 640 96 327 96 988 98 600 97 170 100 538
Services 1 289 095 296 947 72 574 73 012 73 562 73 882 74 535 74 768 75 222 75 549
Dwellings 110 453 113 378 27 687 27 886 28 029 28 238 28 438 28 670 28 900 29 108
Other services 178 642 183 568 44 887 45 127 45 532 45 643 46 097 46 098 46 322 46 441