Statistics Norway
25 Final consumption expenditure of households. At current prices. Million kroner
  1999 2000 2001 00:2 00:3 00:4 01:1 01:2 01:3 01:4
Final consumption expenditure of households 547 660 578 104 603 725 142 093 148 359 153 288 141 710 149 353 152 926 159 737
Food, beverages and tobacco 111 046 115 102 116 156 28 866 28 912 30 977 27 504 30 015 28 009 30 628
Clothing and footwear 33 899 33 941 35 874 8 317 8 418 10 141 7 348 8 714 8 682 11 130
Housing, water, electr, gas and other fuels 116 126 122 072 134 602 29 297 29 136 31 912 35 158 32 551 31 760 35 134
Furnishings, household equipment etc 34 313 36 176 37 289 7 825 9 049 10 974 8 589 8 022 9 273 11 405
Health 15 535 16 574 17 588 4 102 4 186 4 386 4 168 4 328 4 435 4 657
Transport 88 403 96 742 98 977 25 508 26 755 22 585 21 993 26 436 27 749 22 799
Leisure, entertainment and culture 54 235 56 904 58 537 13 189 14 761 15 879 13 383 13 345 14 897 16 911
Education 2 698 2 816 2 982 604 774 776 702 642 791 848
Hotels, cafes and restaurants 34 072 34 660 34 761 8 547 10 198 8 555 7 341 8 589 10 216 8 616
Miscellaneous goods and services 49 310 54 138 58 371 13 698 13 857 14 141 13 773 14 627 14 773 15 198
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 25 025 26 551 26 298 6 624 9 001 5 940 5 155 6 621 8 982 5 539
- Direct purchases by non-residents -17 002 -17 573 -17 709 -4 482 -6 689 -2 979 -3 404 -4 535 -6 642 -3 128
Goods 305 594 317 975 327 623 77 057 79 290 87 477 77 202 80 095 79 766 90 561
Services 234 042 251 151 267 514 62 895 66 757 62 849 62 757 67 172 70 819 66 765
Services, dwellings 95 298 100 659 107 039 24 948 25 402 25 737 26 224 26 584 26 844 27 386
Other services 138 743 150 492 160 475 37 946 41 356 37 112 36 533 40 588 43 975 39 379