Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Adult education organized by popular education organizations

3   Number of courses, participants and lessons by subject. 2000-2004
Subject Courses Participants Lessons
Total Males Females Total With teacher Without teacher
2000 60 326      666 729      296 472      370 257      1 831 222      1 469 244      361 978
2001 54 530  614 356  273 145  341 211 1 681 367 1 315 084  366 283
2002 52 181  667 727  292 123  375 604 1 729 920 1 351 963  377 957
2003 50 083  735 162  354 793  380 369 1 657 221 1 324 129  333 092
2004, total 46 925  632 993  283 100  349 893 1 584 185 1 262 972  321 213
Language studies 2 522 20 113 6 677 13 436 81 939 73 393 8 546
Aesthetic subjects and handicraft 19 088  295 092  117 102  177 990  871 062  671 035  200 027
Humanities, philosophy and ethics 4 085 41 756 18 524 23 232 96 090 63 475 32 615
Social sciences 1 874 30 274 11 384 18 890 59 487 47 217 12 270
Organization and management 7 202 99 835 50 747 49 088  144 557  113 243 31 314
Business and ICT 2 141 20 370 9 735 10 635 64 236 59 278 4 958
Health, social and sports 4 325 65 470 26 156 39 314  120 027  107 743 12 284
Transport and communication  825 9 745 6 448 3 297 22 325 22 251 74
Science, industry and technical subjects  643 12 222 9 902 2 320 35 781 34 878  903
Natural resource management, ecology, environmental protection and outdoor recreation 3 850 34 706 25 318 9 388 75 191 57 829 17 362
Goods and services  370 3 410 1 107 2 303 13 490 12 630  860

Explanation of symbols