Statistics Norway

Education statistics. Primary and lower secondary schools

8   Pupils receiving mother language traning or biligual education1, by mother tongue. 1 October 20052
Mother tongue Number of pupils
Total 20 717
Urdu 2 521
Somali 2 175
Arabic 1 830
Kurdish 1 735
Vietnamese 1 551
Albanian 1 288
Turkish 1 026
Bosnian  806
Tamil  764
English  654
Russian  639
Spanish  572
Thai  531
Persian  519
Dari  493
Polish  353
Chechen  299
German  262
Punjabi  229
Dutch  180
Phillipine  172
Pashto  163
Serbian  155
Swahili  149
French  135
Chinese  121
Portuguese  107
Finnish 94
Tigrinia 82
Icelandic 76
Lithuanian 70
Burmesisk 58
Oromo 57
Berber 56
Amharic 54
Cantonese 51
Hindi 42
Croatian 38
Kirundi 36
Roumanian 25
Bengali 22
Greek 21
Malay 21
Other  485
1  Mother language training are additional training in the mother tongue of foreign laguage pupils. Bilingual education are education where the pupil's mother tongue is used in the education.
2  Pupils counted by local governments are included in figures of foreign language pupils.

Explanation of symbols