15   Full-time employees in real estate and business activities1. Average monthly earnings, by sex and educational2 level per 1 September 2002. Kroner
Educational level Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
      Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Real estate and business activities, total 56 419 32 013 30 917  351  744  911
Primary and lower secondary education 2 542 25 254 24 034  809  411  964
Upper secondary education 23 461 27 340 26 432  393  515  945
Tertial education, 4 years or less 17 829 35 085 33 819  270  996  965
Tertial education, more than 4 years 10 471 41 517 40 199  219 1 099  754
Unknown or no completed education 2 116 27 528 26 750  514  265  768
Males, total 37 926 34 583 33 264  446  873 1 097
Primary and lower secondary education 1 504 26 970 25 328 1 161  481 1 256
Upper secondary education 14 203 29 485 28 337  554  594 1 188
Tertial education, 4 years or less 12 294 37 324 35 843  319 1 162 1 121
Tertial education, more than 4 years 8 447 43 048 41 626  242 1 180  874
Unknown or no completed education 1 478 28 752 27 857  597  298 1 006
Females, total 18 493 26 998 26 339  166  493  548
Primary and lower secondary education 1 038 22 392 21 876  221  295  477
Upper secondary education 9 258 24 148 23 596  154  399  582
Tertial education, 4 years or less 5 535 30 362 29 550  167  644  638
Tertial education, more than 4 years 2 024 35 417 34 511  127  779  273
Unknown or no completed education  638 25 089 24 544  348  198  292
1  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
2  NOS Standard Classification of Education.

Explanation of symbols