Statistics Norway

Wage statistics. All employees

6   Average monthly earnings by sector, sex and working hours per 3rd quarter 2005 and 2006. NOK
Sex and sector Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings, total Percentage change
2005 2006 20051 2006 2005-2006
Total 1 352 590 1 395 865 29 159 30 555 4.8
Full-time  896 808  927 577 30 127 31 565 4.8
Males  538 065  557 388 31 567 33 060 4.7
Females  358 743  370 189 27 393 28 707 4.8
Part-time  455 782  468 288 24 742 25 830 4.4
Males 91 323 95 575 25 543 26 557 4.0
Females  364 459  372 713 24 549 25 656 4.5
Public sector  637 454  640 118 27 907 29 255 4.8
Full-time  349 732  350 485 28 849 30 206 4.7
Males  150 795  148 597 30 788 32 236 4.7
Females  198 937  201 888 27 379 28 712 4.9
Part-time  287 722  289 633 25 865 27 215 5.2
Males 43 262 43 419 27 929 29 014 3.9
Females  244 460  246 214 25 569 26 952 5.4
Private sector  715 136  755 747 29 679 31 071 4.7
Full-time  547 076  577 092 30 540 31 983 4.7
Males  387 270  408 791 31 717 33 208 4.7
Females  159 806  168 301 27 402 28 704 4.8
Part-time  168 060  178 655 23 547 24 373 3.5
Males 48 061 52 156 24 342 25 304 4.0
Females  119 999  126 499 23 259 24 040 3.4
1  The figures are corrected.

Explanation of symbols