Wage statistics. Full-time employees

17   Full-time employees. Average monthly earnings1, by sex and age. 3 rd quarter 1999. Kroner
Sex and age group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females  759 656      23 176 22 154  687  334  947
- 24 years 48 590 17 272 16 530  596  146  828
25 - 29 years 90 844 20 651 19 673  658  321 1 101
30 - 34 years  105 177 22 795 21 691  710  394 1 102
35 - 39 years 99 599 24 169 22 994  735  440 1 057
40 - 44 years  103 446 24 629 23 478  751  400 1 012
45 - 49 years  104 555 24 628 23 584  722  322  907
50 - 54 years  103 191 24 608 23 638  666  304  820
55 - 59 years 68 700 24 439 23 536  642  260  718
60 - years 35 554 23 968 23 144  571  253  571
Males  471 310 24 393 23 152  825  416 1 175
- 24 years 31 613 17 605 16 743  696  165 1 015
25 - 29 years 54 566 21 202 20 057  767  378 1 385
30 - 34 years 67 035 23 500 22 187  841  472 1 375
35 - 39 years 63 662 25 300 23 884  877  539 1 314
40 - 44 years 63 293 26 269 24 840  908  520 1 269
45 - 49 years 62 092 26 404 25 087  900  417 1 138
50 - 54 years 63 117 26 417 25 208  821  388 1 006
55 - 59 years 42 954 26 139 25 021  783  334  874
60 - years 22 978 25 474 24 490  660  324  646
Females  288 346 20 788 20 196  417  175  499
- 24 years 16 977 16 565 16 076  384  104  429
25 - 29 years 36 278 19 641 18 967  458  216  578
30 - 34 years 38 142 21 332 20 661  437  234  535
35 - 39 years 35 937 21 765 21 101  434  231  510
40 - 44 years 40 153 21 474 20 856  449  168  518
45 - 49 years 42 463 21 474 20 914  407  154  498
50 - 54 years 40 074 21 222 20 698  377  147  473
55 - 59 years 25 746 21 074 20 596  364  114  410
60 - years 12 576 20 652 20 180  375 97  404
1  Salaries including irregular payments, bonuses, commission etc., excluding payment for overtime.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols