Wage statistics. Full-time employees

16   Full-time employees. Average monthly earnings1, by sex and age. 3 rd quarter 2000. Kroner
Sex and age group Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females  783 535      24 404 23 285  768  351  920
- 24 years 48 172 17 994 17 229  601  164  746
25 - 29 years 92 074 21 752 20 715  701  336 1 051
30 - 34 years  107 300 23 883 22 708  768  407 1 060
35 - 39 years  102 470 25 370 24 105  811  454 1 024
40 - 44 years  105 832 25 835 24 576  841  418 1 004
45 - 49 years  108 522 25 987 24 801  841  345  915
50 - 54 years  106 728 25 943 24 841  782  320  807
55 - 59 years 77 002 25 824 24 780  761  283  729
60 - years 35 435 25 251 24 343  648  260  539
Males  476 587 25 678 24 336  907  435 1 151
- 24 years 30 169 18 312 17 454  667  190  908
25 - 29 years 52 591 22 326 21 120  800  406 1 343
30 - 34 years 66 439 24 644 23 268  890  486 1 329
35 - 39 years 64 211 26 466 24 975  954  537 1 276
40 - 44 years 64 298 27 503 25 957 1 010  536 1 260
45 - 49 years 63 802 27 851 26 379 1 023  450 1 164
50 - 54 years 64 700 27 805 26 449  948  408 1 008
55 - 59 years 47 850 27 609 26 325  915  369  898
60 - years 22 527 26 894 25 807  753  334  645
Females  306 948 21 951 21 261  501  189  475
- 24 years 18 003 17 320 16 751  460  109  402
25 - 29 years 39 483 20 768 20 020  532  215  551
30 - 34 years 40 861 22 359 21 586  522  250  520
35 - 39 years 38 259 23 102 22 305  515  281  501
40 - 44 years 41 534 22 640 21 931  517  192  512
45 - 49 years 44 720 22 686 22 007  520  159  473
50 - 54 years 42 028 22 455 21 829  471  155  431
55 - 59 years 29 152 22 278 21 712  454  112  395
60 - years 12 908 21 730 21 206  423  101  310
1  Salaries including irregular payments, bonuses, commission etc., excluding payment for overtime.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols