Wage statistics. Full-time employees

9   Full-time employees. Average monthly earnings1, by division2 and sex. 3 rd quarter 1997. Kroner
Division and sex Employees covered by the survey Monthly earnings Payment for overtime work
Total Basic paid salary Variable additional allowances Bonuses, commission etc.
Males and females  726 958      20 662 19 867  545  250  776
Oil and gas extraction, mining 17 414 30 243 26 622 3 257  364 1 490
Manufacturing  132 692 20 005 19 334  464  207 1 191
Electricity, gas and water supply 11 543 19 918 19 120  797 1 1 028
Construction 38 645 19 717 19 164  354  200  654
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 88 959 20 255 19 393  147  716  557
Transport, storage and communication 21 700 20 139 19 546  314  279  886
Financing 30 586 24 277 23 824  129  324  666
Real estate, renting and business activities 28 225 24 812 24 185  154  473  962
Central government  135 176 20 277 19 184 1 093 0  787
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 65 209 20 593 20 185  408 0  167
Municipals and county municipals3  133 014 18 759 17 652 1 107 0  482
Private education 2 720 21 063 20 581  474 7  230
Health and social work 9 088 18 099 17 707  329 63  370
Social and personal service activities 11 987 21 319 20 890  326  103  652
Males  458 297 21 720 20 758  644  318  956
Oil and gas extraction, mining 13 522 31 819 27 762 3 650  407 1 684
Manufacturing  103 734 20 571 19 812  530  229 1 347
Electricity, gas and water supply 10 073 20 175 19 276  897 1 1 109
Construction 36 292 19 773 19 205  365  203  677
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 61 393 21 465 20 395  167  905  667
Transport, storage and communication 17 050 20 670 20 029  353  287  978
Financing 16 163 27 615 26 952  180  482  713
Real estate, renting and business activities 18 721 27 337 26 569  207  561 1 138
Central government 87 423 21 024 19 573 1 451 0  973
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 30 633 21 317 20 746  571 0  255
Municipals and county municipals3 51 549 20 277 18 720 1 556 0  712
Private education 1 503 22 740 22 013  718 9  230
Health and social work 3 702 19 719 19 275  353 92  473
Social and personal service activities 6 539 23 398 22 859  453 86  816
Females  268 661 18 556 18 094  348  114  416
Oil and gas extraction, mining 3 892 24 570 22 520 1 840  210  792
Manufacturing 28 958 17 839 17 506  213  120  594
Electricity, gas and water supply 1 470 18 167 18 056  109 2  473
Construction 2 353 18 787 18 472  170  146  274
Employees in wholesale and retail trade 27 566 17 462 17 081 99  281  302
Transport, storage and communication 4 650 18 093 17 681  162  250  528
Financing 14 423 20 538 20 320 71  147  613
Real estate, renting and business activities 9 504 20 368 19 990 59  319  652
Central government 47 753 18 910 18 474  437 0  445
Teaching staff, publicly maintained schools 34 576 19 951 19 688  263 0 89
Municipals and county municipals3 81 465 17 799 16 976  823 0  336
Private education 1 217 18 953 18 782  167 4  230
Health and social work 5 386 17 188 16 826  315 47  313
Social and personal service activities 5 448 19 075 18 765  189  121  475
1  Salaries including irregular payments, bonuses, commission etc., excluding payment for overtime.
2  NOS Standard Industrial Classification.
3  Oslo included in 2000 and 2001.
Source: Wage statistics, Statistics Norway.
More information:  http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/ .

Explanation of symbols