Wage statistics. Full-time employees

4   Full-time employees. Average monthly earnings, by deciles. 3rd quarter 1997-2001. Kroner and per cent
  Monthly earnings 1997 Monthly earnings 1998 Monthly earnings 1999 Monthly earnings 2000 Monthly earnings 2001
  Mean Proportion of sum Mean Proportion of sum Mean Proportion of sum Mean Proportion of sum Mean Proportion of sum
All full-time employees 20 662  100.0 22 263  100.0 23 176  100.0 24 404  100.0 25 634  100.0
Decile 1 13 267 6.4 14 280 6.4 14 847 6.4 15 435 6.3 15 909 6.2
Decile 2 15 240 7.4 16 492 7.4 17 114 7.4 17 868 7.3 18 554 7.2
Decile 3 16 327 7.9 17 692 8.0 18 322 7.9 19 205 7.9 19 973 7.8
Decile 4 17 288 8.4 18 731 8.4 19 366 8.4 20 345 8.3 21 207 8.3
Decile 5 18 227 8.8 19 728 8.9 20 402 8.8 21 473 8.8 22 466 8.8
Decile 6 19 370 9.4 20 856 9.4 21 611 9.3 22 790 9.3 23 948 9.3
Decile 7 20 704 10.0 22 352 10.0 23 183 10.0 24 501 10.0 25 714 10.0
Decile 8 22 587 10.9 24 407 11.0 25 389 11.0 26 802 11.0 28 234 11.0
Decile 9 25 921 12.5 27 995 12.6 29 289 12.6 30 912 12.7 32 681 12.8
Decile 10 37 692 18.2 40 103 18.0 42 239 18.2 44 708 18.3 47 628 18.6

Explanation of symbols