7   International transports to Norway. Tonnage carried and transport performances, by commodity. Quarter
Commodity1 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Total 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter
  1 000 tons
Tonnage carried                    
Total 1 806,5 1 881,2 1 862,3 2 006,8 572,3 434,9 472,4 527,3 480,8 529,9
Agricultural products and fertilizers 409,7 341,5 327,1 448,6 166,5 54,8 118,7 108,6 88,7 78,5
Food products and animal food 59,1 45,6 78,8 143,9 24,3 43,1 50,5 26,1 14,3 26,6
Coal, coke, oil and chemical products 362,7 277,2 331,0 342,2 93,7 97,3 39,8 111,4 55,7 150,8
General goods, metal products, manufactured goods, crude industrial products etc. 895,2 1 092,0 999,4 950,1 244,3 218,0 229,8 258,1 278,2 255,5
Gravel, sand, cement, soil, stone etc. 79,8 124,9 126,1 122,0 43,5 21,7 33,7 23,1 43,9 18,5
Transport performances                    
Total 1 201,6 1 350,4 1 318,6 1 379,5 357,7 327,3 319,9 374,7 348,8 374,7
Agricultural products and fertilizers 246,7 215,7 271,2 279,5 81,9 52,0 55,7 89,9 55,3 87,3
Food products and animal food 38,6 32,7 66,0 114,9 13,9 38,0 33,7 29,3 9,2 27,2
Coal, coke, oil and chemical products 168,3 138,8 152,2 164,1 57,4 38,4 28,2 40,0 33,0 45,8
General goods, metal products, manufactured goods, crude industrial products etc. 703,0 886,7 759,7 752,1 185,3 184,9 179,2 202,7 215,0 198,9
Gravel, sand, cement, soil, stone etc. 45,0 76,5 69,4 69,0 19,2 14,0 23,1 12,8 36,3 15,5
1  The commodities are classified according to the transport nomenclature NST/R.

Explanation of symbols