Statistics Norway

District heating statistics

2   Technical and economic main figures. 1997-2006
  Unit 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Enterprices Number 22 21 23 25 29 35 40 37 38 40
Employed Number  242  246  249  265  283  299  340  335  352  397
Incomes from sales 1 000 kr  365 233  361 542  420 994  445 468  680 536  732 118  888 025  944 077 1 079 572 1 327 127
Average price (taxes excluded) Øre/kWh 28.5 26.3 27.9 30.6 37.5 37.9 42.6 42.3 45.9 53.2
Length of the distribution net Km  298  316  331  329  376  463  556  661  700  780
Total investments 1 000 kr  121 552  211 378  220 027  236 014  330 429  619 982  555 967  464 863  750 045  893 694
Production plant " 49 325 75 717  113 785  117 863  153 654  290 117  213 943  260 396  383 926  426 120
Distribution plant " 69 490  119 364 76 451  113 967  143 548  293 304  289 000  193 800  341 146  376 349
Other investments " 2 737 16 297 29 791 4 184 33 227 36 561 53 024 10 667 24 973 91 225

Explanation of symbols