Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

3   Personal owned enterprises by education and gender. New established enterprises 2006
Level of education Sole proprietorship Other personal owned enterprises4
Owners total Gender Owners total Gender
Per cent women Per cent men Per cent women Per cent men
Total 28 041  100.0  100.0 5 084  100.0  100.0
Lower secondary education 5 403 15.5 21.2  980 15.7 20.5
Upper secondary education 10 371 32.9 39.1 2 214 38.8 45.1
Tertiary education, short1 6 551 32.3 18.7 1 158 30.8 20.1
Tertiary education, long2 2 506 10.4 8.2  365 8.4 6.8
Other3 3 210 8.9 12.8  367 6.2 7.6
1  Tertiary education, short, comprises higher education 4 years or shorter.
2  Tertiary education, long, comprises higher education more than 4 years.
3  Other include persons with no completed education and those who haven't registred any information about education.
4  Other personal owned enterprises refers to the organizational structures general partnership and general partnership with shared liability.

Explanation of symbols