Statistics Norway

Norwegian business enterprise sector, ownership and roles

7   Owners of sole proprietorships1 by gender and level of education, 1 January 2004
Level of education Actors, total Gender Gender, per cent
Kvinner Menn Kvinner Menn
Total  157 488 40 024  117 464  100.0  100.0
Lower secondary education 18 478 3 151 15 327 7.9 13.0
Upper secondary education 86 347 20 558 65 789 51.4 56.0
Tertiary education, short2 29 819 10 452 19 367 26.1 16.5
Tertiary education, long3 17 878 4 751 13 127 11.9 11.2
Other4 4 966 1 112 3 854 2.8 3.3
1  53 sole proprietorships have no registered information about actors. These enterprises are therefore not included in statistics.
2  Tertiary education, short, comprises higher education 4 years or shorter.
3  Tertiary education, long, comprises higher education more than 4 years.
4  Other include persons with no completed education and those who haven't registred any information about education.

Explanation of symbols