Statistics Norway

Degrees from universities and colleges

3 Graduates1, by gender and field of education. 1996/97, 2005/06, 2006/07
Field of education 1996/97 2005/06 2006/07
Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women
Total 7 213 3 960 3 253 8 398 3 861 4 537 10 425 4 580 5 845
Humanities and Arts 1 123  428  695 1 272  456  816 1 737  662 1 075
Teacher Training and Pedagogy  267 63  204  494 91  403  700  115  585
Social Sciences and Law 1 723  769  954 2 096  865 1 231 2 642 1 033 1 609
Business and Administration  203  145 58  870  488  382 1 163  608  555
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 2 653 1 863  790 2 335 1 488  847 2 445 1 568  877
Health, Welfare and Sport  747  274  473 1 132  363  769 1 495  440 1 055
Primary Industries  158 96 62  133 66 67  145 81 64
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and Other Services  339  322 17 66 44 22 98 73 25
Unspecified Field of Education - - - - - - - - -
1  Graduates of degrees longer than 4 years in duration. Doctoral degrees are not included.

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