Statistics Norway

Degrees from universities and colleges

2 Graduates1, by gender and field of education. 1996/97, 2005/06, 2006/07
Field of education 1996/97 2005/06 2006/07
Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women
Total 23 955 9 686 14 269 24 346 8 610 15 736 24 082 8 409 15 673
Humanities and Arts 1 757  567 1 190 2 004  729 1 275 2 014  744 1 270
Teacher Training and Pedagogy 5 390 1 323 4 067 5 533 1 528 4 005 5 626 1 495 4 131
Social Sciences and Law 1 260  518  742 1 611  619  992 1 761  672 1 089
Business and Administration 5 840 3 170 2 670 4 298 1 974 2 324 3 968 1 916 2 052
Natural Sciences, Vocational and Technical Subjects 3 252 2 504  748 2 869 2 150  719 2 712 2 002  710
Health, Welfare and Sport 5 185  830 4 355 7 402 1 200 6 202 7 352 1 143 6 209
Primary Industries  117 86 31  150 77 73  147 85 62
Transport and Communications, Safety and Security and Other Services  622  481  141  432  314  118  447  333  114
Unspecified Field of Education  532  207  325 47 19 28 55 19 36
1  Graduates of degrees with a duration of 4 years or less.

Explanation of symbols