8   New cases of children placed under protection, by age and reason for intervention. 1987-2001
Reason for intervention1 Total2 Age
-2 3-6 7-13 14-17 -18
1987 2 617  345  569  770  785  143
1988 2 699  396  590  806  766  136
1989 3 504  511  777 1 028  939  176
1990 3 809  608  877 1 188  954  177
1991 4 267  572  942 1 468 1 032  247
1992 9 942 1 351 2 439 3 513 2 161  478
1993 9 937 1 398 2 380 3 567 2 257  335
1994 8 214 1 187 2 063 2 818 1 911  235
1995 8 280 1 183 2 061 2 881 1 952  203
1996 7 871 1 253 1 915 2 679 1 826  198
1997 8 105 1 303 1 880 2 768 1 985  169
1998 7 981 1 246 1 778 2 870 1 877  210
1999 7 986 1 120 1 752 2 844 2 033  237
2000 8 583 1 187 1 864 2 989 2 267  276
2001 8 933 1 214 1 989 3 161 2 348  221
Neglect  121 22 25 45 28 1
Physical abuse  232 18 55 85 68 6
Mental abuse  110 4 24 39 37 6
Sexual abuse/incest  107 4 22 44 31 6
Parents's mental suffering  908  183  244  342  131 8
Parents's drug excess  674  152  170  253 89 10
Parents's inhability of care  729  182  156  245  130 16
Parents dead 60 4 7 26 19 4
The child disabled  118 11 30 45 30 2
The child's drug excess  219 - - 6  181 32
The child's behavioural problems 1 430 15 82  472  811 50
The conditions in the home 3 896  565 1 000 1 495  782 54
Other reason 1 556  180  348  559  420 49
Unknown reason 1 379  191  307  475  365 41
1  There may be several reasons for intervention. Hence, the sum of reasons is larger than the number of children total.
2  Including children with unknown age.

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