
International transports for hire or reward and own account, to and from Norway, cabotage and cross trade. Tonnage carried and transport performance1
International transport, totalFrom NorwayTo NorwayCabotageCross-trade
1There are carried out several changes in the Road Goods Survey since 3rd quarter 2015, that to a certain degree influence on the comparability in the results between the quarters. Se more details in About the statistics.
Tonnage carried (1 000 tonnes)
20145 007.13 085.01 825.452.943.8
20154 700.32 827.21 757.372.942.9
20164 879.13 067.31 733.073.75.1
20174 977.03 093.31 795.685.22.9
3rd quarter 20161 133.4731.6392.6::
4th quarter 20161 242.7754.1432.8::
1st quarter 20171 252.6766.7464.6::
2nd quarter 20171 213.1757.2454.9::
3rd quarter 20171 177.6750.4408.7::
4th quarter 20171 333.8819.0467.5::
Transport performances (mill. tonne-km)
20142 432.11 313.41
20152 665.31 472.71 131.637.623.3
20162 435.41 424.8992.214.73.7
20172 655.31 545.81 081.626.41.4
3rd quarter 2016588.0349.3236.2::
4th quarter 2016618.6402.7205.6::
1st quarter 2017568.6293.2267.9::
2nd quarter 2017748.0437.7309.4::
3rd quarter 2017643.0395.5243.4::
4th quarter 2017695.6419.4260.9::