
Psychosocial work environment. Prosent
Seldom or never gets support and help in your work from the nearest boss, employees..1312
Seldom or never gets support and help in your work from colleagues, employees..65
Seldom or never gets feedback from superiors on job performance, employees..2726
Seldom or never gets feedback from colleagues on job performance, employees..22.
Not taken into account if you come with views of the working conditions, employees..1215
Displeasure from superiors if critical views on the working conditions are expressed, employees..3232
Displeasure from colleagues if critical views on the working conditions are expressed, employees..2323
Agree to 'I get the respect and appreciation I deserve in relation to my job efforts and accomplis¿....84
The employees are rarely or never treated in a fair and impartial way, employees..911
Work achievements seldom or never appreciated by nearest superior, employees..78
Description of closest superior as treating employees with support and respect fits less well or badly, employees..98
Experience bad relationship between employees and management, often or time to time, employees343731
Experience bad relationship between employees, often or time to time, employees212723
Experience a poor relation between employees and customers/clients/pupils often or from time to tim¿15..19
Involved in uncomfortable conflicts with superiors at workplace, often or from time to time....8
Involved in uncomfortable conflicts with colleagues at workplace, often or from time to time....8
Exposed to violence or threat of violence, a couple of times in months or more55.
Exposed to violence at workplace, last 12 months....4
Number of times exposed to violence, average.....
Exposed to threat of violence on workplace, which was so serious that you were afraid, last 12 months....4
Number of times exposed to threat of violence, average.....
Exposed to hassle or teasing by colleagues, a couple of times a month or more212
Exposed to hassle or teasing by superiors, a couple of times a month or more..12
Exposed to unwanted sexual attention, remarks etc., a couple of times a month or more344
Number of employed respondents1 9429 3127 765
Number of respondents in work2 1359 9618 220