
Unit costs and productivity by state-owned universities and university colleges, total.
1Includes state universities and state colleges that receive grants from the Ministry of Education and Research. The Norwegian Police University College is within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.
Educational institutions, total
Own production on Research and Development (R&D) (NOK mill.)8 8029 5259 5359 48611 441
Own production on education (NOK mill.)16 75917 76319 05120 30319 530
Man-years teaching-, research- and dissemination-positions16 325.917 001.417 450.517 721.317 564.2
60 credit point units, own-financed117 821.0121 912.0126 048.0131 343.0133 761.0
60 credit point units, own-financed, adjusted164 510.0169 875.0176 327.0183 456.0187 075.0
Publication points11 019.912 047.612 549.013 724.514 577.3
Own production per 60 credit point unit (NOK)142 244145 699151 140154 582146 009
Own production per 60 credit point unit, adjusted (NOK)101 875104 562108 043110 671104 398
Own production per publication point (NOK)798 737790 622759 821691 195784 830
60 credit point units per man-year teaching-, research- and dissemination-positi7.
Publication points per man-year teaching-, research- and dissemination-positions0.
Educational institutions, without National Police Academy1
Own production on Research and Development (R&D) (NOK mill.)8 7959 5189 5219 47211 405
Own production on education (NOK mill.)16 42817 39618 65819 85319 059
Man-years teaching-, research- and dissemination-positions16 213.716 865.517 288.117 547.517 366.9
60 credit point units, own-financed117 821.0121 912.087 924.3131 343.0133 761.0
60 credit point units, own-financed, adjusted164 510.0169 875.0138 203.0183 456.0187 075.0
Publication points11 019.912 047.612 549.013 724.514 577.3
Own production per 60 credit point unit (NOK)139 431142 696212 206151 153142 488
Own production per 60 credit point unit, adjusted (NOK)99 860102 407135 005108 216101 880
Own production per publication point (NOK)798 065790 000758 714690 182782 353
60 credit point units per man-year teaching-, research- and dissemination-positi7.
Publication points per man-year teaching-, research- and dissemination-positions0.