
Care services
The statistics provide a summary of care services.
Child welfare
The statistics provide figures on the Child Welfare Services.
Church of Norway
The statistics give a summary of the Church of Norway activity in parishes/municipalities.
County authority accounts
Shows the total revenues and expenditures of the counties
Cultural facilities
These statistics indicate the use of cultural expenditure in the local and county authorities.
Dental health care
The statistics show the scope of patient treatment in the public dental health service
Fire and accident protection
The statistics show figures for fires in buildings and houses, and expenditure and man-years.
Introduction programme for immigrants
Participants and previous participants in introduction programme for immigrants
KOSTRA - Municipality-State-Reporting
The key figures in KOSTRA provide information on most of the municipal and county municipal activities.
Provides information about the status of kindergartens and employees in kindergartens.
Local administration of agricultural areas
The statistics give information about land transferred to various types of non-agricultural use, land reclamation, decisions taken about the splitting of agricultural property and applications for concessions to buy a farm.
Municipal accounts
Shows the municipalities’ total revenues and expenditures
Municipal housing charges
Statistics on four municipal residential charges; water, waste water, waste collection and chimney sweeping.
Municipal environmental management
Protection of nature, landscape and cultural heritage
Municipal health care service
The municipal health care service statistics include information about general practitioners, physiotherapists, public health centres, school health services, healthy life centres, other preventive health care and expenditures.
Municipal housing
The statistics cover dwellings with municipal right of disposal...
Municipal management of planning and building applications
Describes Municipal and County Authorities land use administration
Municipal wastewater
Describes different sides of the municipal wastewater sector e.g. fees, facilities, sludge disposal
Municipal water supply
Describes topics in the municipal water sector.
Property management, local government
The statistics give a detailed overview of the municipalities; property management.
Property tax
Gives an overview of property tax in the municipalities
Pupils in primary and lower secondary school
The statistics provide information about the state of primary and lower secondary school.
Social assistance
The statistics comprise recipients of social assistance
Transport and communication in municipalities and county authorities
Statistics about local and county authorities related to the operation and maintenance of municipal and county roads
Upper secondary education
Gives number of pupils, apprentices, students and participants in upper secondary education.
Waste from households
Shows the amount of household waste collected by municipalities

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